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Santa Isabel Hotel
Santa Isabel Hotel
Old Havana, Havana City
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from 153.00 €/night
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Located in a position that favors the contact with other provinces, Villa Clara is the region where the course of economical and social life of its inhabitants constitutes a process of constant updating.
In the field of tourism, Villa Clara progressively creates offers for the visitors to enjoy its natural and cultural values.
While its houses keep a humble image, metallurgical industry notably grows. "Tradition and Development" seems to be the motto that encourages this people, sympathetic and rebellious at the same time, what makes them be addressed as "the unquiet towns".
The presence of Ernesto Guevara's Museum and Memorial, where the mortal remains of the heroic guerrilla and his fellow fighters rest, is a proof of the everlasting presence of the unforgettable commander in the territory of Villa Clara.
The Museo de Historia Abel Santamaría and the monument commemorating the attack to the armored train by Ché are symbols of the historical dimension of this city.
Nature in this province offers different perspectives: the environment of the Hanabanilla river, characterized by the presence of numberless plant species, a rich fauna, a beautiful waterfall, and a man-made dam.
Being coastal territories, the municipalities of Sagua la Grande and Caibarién have attractive offers for fishing, especially trout fishing, counting on dams devoted to that purpose.
The northern keys of the province show a wide scope of islets having suggesting names: Las Brujas, Ensenachos, Majá, and Las Picúas are a proof of the abundance of keys making our country be an archipelago. In them, aboriginal life has left a notable trace.
The Elguea Spa constitutes another offer. Its medicinal waters are traditionally preferred by visitors looking for the right therapeutic treatment.
The hotels Hanabanilla, Santa Clara Libre, La Granjita, and the motel Los Caneyes support current tourist development.
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