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Iberostar Parque Central Hotel
Iberostar Parque Central Hotel
Old Havana, Havana City
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from 155.00 €/night
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The territory has the biggest diversity of flora of the island. The Parque Nacional Alejandro Humboldt (Natural Park Alejandro Humbolt) and let us say the Maguana beach are vivid examples of it.
Nowadays, if the traveller arrives in Baracoa by road, there are emotions waiting for him as he goes along the so called: ´La Farola´viadut, a flying highway of almost 30 kilometres of extension where men´s work changed a great area of the mountain located in a zone of 127 hectares of jungle and considered a biosphere reserve by UNESCO. It outstands the huge variety of ferns where the ´arborescence’ prevailed. Wherever the cocoa-trees and the cacao plantations embellish the surroundings which is enriched by different rivers as for example the Toa considered the most plentiful of all.
If you are of those people, lovers of nature in its purest meaning, then, the visit to this city should be included in your itinerary because you will get what you expect here and you will be satisfied. Baracoa is a stop to keep in mind.
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