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Villa Los Pinos Hotel
Villa Los Pinos Hotel
Havana Eastern Beaches, Havana City
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from 192.00 €/night
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The fauna of this islet is diverse, virgin and is composed of various endemic species and other species found in tropical regions. Among them, the presence of white-tail deer, zebras, antelopes, wild boars, buffalos, ostriches, peacocks, tocororos, hutias and wild bulls.

In this natural landscape and portion of the archipelago, many different bird varieties and migratory species cohabit during several periods of the year.

If you cross the Cayo Saetia territory by horse, you will enjoy the inoffensive fauna of African savannahs that has become acclimatized to live here in absolute liberty.

The cay, surrounded by an exceptional coral barrier, will please the diving and snorkeling fans.

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