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Santa Isabel Hotel
Santa Isabel Hotel
Old Havana, Havana City
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Today, Bayamo is a city that zealously keeps its traditions. There is a historical center in the place where the National hymn was sung for the first time. In the parochial church of San Salvador de Bayamo, they have preserved a fresco with patriotic motifs, only one of its kind in Cuba.
Numerous places of interest can be visited in this city, declared National Monument: the natal house of Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, Founding Father; the Santo Domingo convent or the window of Luz Velázquez where "La Bayamesa", considered the first song of Cuban "trova", was sung for the first time.
This province treasures almost half of all historical sites in Cuba. Places so important in Cuban History such as Dos Ríos, where a monument rises in the place where our Apostle and National Hero, José Martí, died in combat on May 19th,1895, and the ruins of the sugar mill La Demajagua, where the first steps of the Ten-Year War (1868-1878) were taken.
In the geography of the province, the western end of the Sierra Maestra, made National Park, has a great signification owing to its ecological importance and historical value. It is worth-mentioning that the quest for national liberation took place in those mountains. In this National Park, is located the main tourist center in Granma: Marea del Portillo, a beach of quiet and transparent waters and brown sands, which delights the visitor due to the beauty of the mountain landscape behind it. In addition, there are 17 spots for snorkeling and diving and options like the excursion to Cayo Blanco.
The Desembarco del Granma National Park is another tourist attraction of this province. Its system of marine terraces is the best preserved of the archipelago. That is the reason why it has been recognized by UNESCO as one of the most representative of the world. In this park are worth-visiting the hole of Morlotte, 77 m (253 ft) deep and 52 m (171 ft) wide, and the Fustete cave, places where more than two hundred species of Cuban flora have been identified.
A historical site recalling the route followed by the members of the Granma yacht expedition, which commanded by Fidel Castro disembarked in this site on December 2nd, 1956, has been preserved. Thus, the visitor can go over the 22 km (14 mi) between the disembark point and Alegría de Pío, where the first combat with troops of the Batista regime took place.

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