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Mercure Sevilla Hotel
Mercure Sevilla Hotel
Old Havana, Havana City
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from 124.00 €/night
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Terrestrial fauna is represented mainly by small birds of colorful feathers and beautiful singing, such as the Rosacoli, parakeets, and parrots. We can also find other curious species in the mangrove communities like the Cuban Tody or Carta Cuba, Bee Hummingbird, and the Cuban woodpecker. There are also other species that are proper of the zone. These are gulls, cranes, and pelikans. Cayo largo treasures in his territory a great deal of Cuban iguanas, an exotic lizard that has been on earth for thousands of years.

Its rich marine bottoms are inhabited by a great variety of turtles like the Carey or the Kawama, thousands of varieties of colorful fish, dolphins, mollusks, and seashells, not to mention its beautiful coral reefs.
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