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Melia Habana Hotel
Melia Habana Hotel
Modern Havana, Havana City
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from 117.00 €/night
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Province located in the western region of Cuba. It has an extension of 11 802,5 sq km (4557 sq mi) and an estimated population of 639 257 inhabitants (1996). The province ranks second in extension and ninth in population. The province is divided into 14 municipalities and its capital city is Matanzas.
Plains ocupy 80% of the territory and there are some heights towards the northwest and center west of the province which coincide with the Habana-Matanzas heights, being the highest point the Pan de Matanzas with 381 m (1250 ft), and the Bejucal-Madruga-Coliseo heights, with the hill of El Jacán (316 m, 1036 ft) as highest altitude. To the south we find the Zapata plain, a low and swampy zone having peculiar characteristics. Matanzas possesses huge reserves of groundwater and rivers like Hanábana, Canímar, and Yumurí. It has also important bays like those of Cárdenas and Matanzas, the latter being one of the most active ports of the country.
Its extremely fertile and productive soil is mostly devoted to agricultural production. The main crops are sugarcane, citrics, rice, grains, and vegetables. It is grown also the sisal from which skin textile fibers are extracted.


01 Matanzas
02 Cardenas
03 Varadero
04 Marti
05 Colon
06 Perico
07 Jovellanos
08 Pedro Betancourt
09 Limonar
10 Union de Reyes
11 Cienaga de Zapata
12 Jagüey Grande
13 Calimete
14 Los Arabos
 Statistics 1999
 Surface area 11 978km2 
 Resident population 654 520 inh 
 Female population 324 042 
 Urbanization index 80,3 % 
 Population density 54,6 inh/ km2
 Life expectancy at birth (1994-1995) 74,4 
 Inhabitants per physician 199 
 Inhabitants per dentist 1 076 
 Students per teacher  
   Primary education 17,9 
   Intermediate education 12,0 
 Enrolment rate (%) 77 023 
   6-11 (years old) 98,5 
   6-14 (years old) 98,0 
   12-14 (years old) 97,7 


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