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Villa Los Pinos Hotel
Villa Los Pinos Hotel
Havana Eastern Beaches, Havana City
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from 192.00 €/night
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In the north section, natural vegetation is found in coastal and sub-coastal evergreen woods located mainly in the zone of punta Covarrubias, in the entrance of the Bay of Malagueta.
Wild flora has been quite affected by human activities; however it can be found in coastal sectors, associated to the vegetation of mangrove-tree communities and typical semi-deciduous woods. An example of this is the Copernicia rigida, found to the south of the bay of Malagueta.
Towards the center and east of the region, there is a predominance of cultural vegetation, alternated with pastures, natural prairies, and secondary vegetation. Wild flora is linked to the remains of rosewood communities, with their typical inventory of endemic species, much impoverished in this case.
Towards the south, vegetation is quite deforested, except for the littoral strip covered by thick mangrove-tree communities. Semi-natural vegetation appears in form of semi-deciduous woods of fluctuating humidity. Wild flora is associated to mangrove-tree communities and coastal marshlands.
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